on our way from the airport...

on the carousel...

thought this was neat with the reflection in his glasses...

this is how Will and Avery liked to ride on the monorail...

Chef Mickey

Will loved all the characters...


It's a Small World ride...

about to ride Peter Pan...

waiting to ride the Goofy Barnstormer roller coaster...

riding it...

Will loved his balloon...his $10!!!!! balloon.

waiting on the train...

Lori and I..

Will, Daddy and Nemo...

hanging with Pearl...

found Nemo...

waiting to meet Woody...

there he is!

meeting McQueen...

Mike and Sully...

Magic Kingdom...

Aladin's magic carpet ride...

Unbelievable fireworks...

getting ready for the light parade...

So I haven't blogged in ages and decided it was time to "revive" it! Poor Quinn, Will's whole life has been documented on the blog and I just have bits and pieces on Quinn :( I need 24 more hours in a day. I will post recent pics of little Quinn soon!
We went to Disney with some of our best friends (Allan and Lori) and had so much fun! We left the little babies with the grandparents and took Will and Avery (their little girl) and they had a blast! We only went for a few days and were exhausted by the end of it! Will loved all the rides, meeting the characters, etc. He is still talking about "Dismee."