Saturday, September 26, 2009

this is for my mom...

My mom has been begging me to update the blog more regularly! So I had a few moments to do so...

We are staying pretty busy here. We went to the beach with the Carmans and the Hollands at the beginning of September. We had a great time! Quinn did really well and Will of course LOVED the beach. He did not want to get out of the ocean.

Quinn is getting bigger by the day! She is such a happy baby and smiles all of the time! So sweet! She will be 4 months in about a week....the time sure flies.
Will is doing well too! He loves his new school, but was out last week because he was sick:( I can't believe he will be 3 in November! I love my two little kiddos...
I need to start up the giveaways - I will do one for October. I have been working on some new be sure to check back!