Have any of you seen that new show "The Great American Dream Vote?" It is absolutely the most STUPID show on television. Sorry if any of you like it, but the show is ridiculous. They even talked about it on the View this morning. I hardly ever agree with Rosie, but this morning she was right on about how stupid the show is. The guy who actually won had an "American Dream" to have a full head of hair. I will say I did feel a little sorry for him since he was bald at 22, but he obviously wasn't that embarrassed by it if he got on national television to ask people to vote for his "dream". They showed a clip were he whimpers, "You just don't know what it would mean to get a real haircut," then they pan the camera over to the barber shop. So in the end (I couldn't change the channel, that is how ridiculous this show was) it was between this bald guy and a lady that had the "American Dream" to open a Senoir Bassett Hound Sanctuary. WHAT IN THE WORLD! I am a dog lover don't get me wrong, but it was just so random. My favorite line from her story was, "Help me help the hounds." I guess what makes it so bad is that, aside from Donnie Osmond being the host (any of you see him in the Weird Al Yankovic video for White and Nerdy?), they take it so seriously. Donnie Osmond is like "Vote Nowww for the American Dream you want to come true..." I can hardly stand it. So anyway, at the end of the show the bald guy wins and all these "Price is Right models" come out to show the prizes. They even roll out on pallets like on the Price is Right, then the bald guys is hanging all over Donnie...so obnoxious. So moral of the story please don't watch this show so that they will cancel it hopefully along with the show, "Search for the Next Pussycat Doll." Sorry just had to vent about that...