Just had to post some pictures of Will in his halloween costume! My mom found it for him, isn't it hilarious? My little pirate. He actually wore it most of the day. We went to the hospital to see Michael and then to Target all dressed up. He even kept the hat on which really surprised me! Happy Halloween everybody!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Will's Pumpkin Patch 1st Birthday...

I will apologize in advance - I tried to get pictures of everyone at the party on the blog, but after going through literally 400 pictures I got too stressed and did what I could! Thank you to all the family and friends that came, you all made the day very special! We love you all!
We had a great time at Walden Farms. It is a great place to have a birthday or fall party! They had a hayride, baby farm animals you could pet, a pumpkin patch of course, and all sorts of kiddy activities! I did barbeque for the party from Martin's BBQ Joint - it was EXCELLENT, I highly recommend it! My sister in law, Ann, made the cake and caramel apples - which were INCREDIBLE!!! She is so talented - Y'all have to use her for your next party!!!
Will had a big time at his birthday party. He wasn't too sure about the cake at first, but he figured out how tasty it was and dug in! He loved looking at the animals and playing with the pumpkins. It was a great day!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Say it isn't so....
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
My Man...
1.Who is your man? Michael
2. How long have you been married? 6 years in January
3. How long did you date? Almost 2 years...long distance the entire time! Long distance was hard. I cried a lot and hated we couldn't have a "normal" relationship. This led to a 12 hour breakup - (Lyla, Casey, and Mom, you remember that night right, HA!). Michael's mom and Dee Dee found out and when Michael called to talk to them they called him an idiot! It is a really funny story now. It was even funny after that 12 hours! He said he didn't want me to be miserable, etc. He was being humane?
4. How old is your man? 33
5. Who eats more? We both like to eat. Depending on what it is I can hold my own.
6. Who said "I love you" first? This is really bad, but neither of us know for sure! We are quite certain it happened on the phone. Basically our relationship consisted of LONG phone calls and visits on the weekends!
7. Who is taller? Michael
8. Who sings better? I do. It makes me laugh when Michael sings. However, the man has rhthym he plays the drums and the guitar - I am retarded at both.
9. Who is smarter? Oh Michael by a long shot. I have to give myself some credit - there are things I know more about. :)
10. Whose temper is worse? Michael. I shut down, silent treatment, etc. mature I know. I am not confrontational at all.
11. Who does the laundry? I do.
12. Who takes out the trash? Michael. I think it's a man's job.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I used to sleep on the right, but we recently switched sides and I am sleeping so much better...
14. Who handles the bills? I do, but lately he has been helping!
15. Who is better on the computer? Michael, but I am learning by building my new jewelry website and I know more about blogging!
16. Who mows the lawn? Michael used to, but this year he is off the hook.
17. Who cooks dinner? I cook, Michael grills. He also cooks breakfast on the weekends. He makes the best omelets!
18. Who drives when you are together? Michael, on trips too!
19. Who pays when you go out? Whoever isn't dealing with Will!
20. Who is more stubborn? We are both pretty laid back. Neither one of us has to have our way all of the time.
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Michael
22. Whose families do you see most? We try to divide the time pretty evenly, especially holidays. I guess I have been home more lately than in Nashville.
23. Who kissed who first? Michael kissed me. We actually ended our date and he was gone for 15 minutes or so. So I was getting ready for bed, brushed my teeth, put in my retainer (yes, I still wear a retainer, you would too if you had the gap I had before braces!) and I hear a knock on my door. I have been told that I am "hard to read" so I guess he just really needed to know if I was interested - didn't have time to waste in med school. So anyway, he came back for a kiss - with my retainer on my teeth, oh yeah that's hot...
24. Who asked who out first? Michael
25. Who proposed? Michael of course. Funny story, I was on my way up to see him in Johnson City and his mom said she had a care package for him and wanted me to take it to him. So I carry this box up, etc. Anyway, my engagement ring was in that box. He was originally going to propose on the weekend of graduation, but my ring wasn't in - it came in late.
26. Who is more sensitive? Michael is a sensitive guy, but I think I am probably more sensitive. Especially after becoming a mom, I can cry for someone at the drop of a hat, especially anything involving children.
27. Who has more friends? Probably about the same.
28. Who has more siblings? Michael, brother and a sister - I have one bro.
29. Who wears the pants in the family? Michael, but he always wants my opinion on things.
30. Who is the biggest pushover with the kids? We are both pretty smitten with Will, to be continued.
I feel like most everyone has been tagged - so if you read this I tag you!
2. How long have you been married? 6 years in January
3. How long did you date? Almost 2 years...long distance the entire time! Long distance was hard. I cried a lot and hated we couldn't have a "normal" relationship. This led to a 12 hour breakup - (Lyla, Casey, and Mom, you remember that night right, HA!). Michael's mom and Dee Dee found out and when Michael called to talk to them they called him an idiot! It is a really funny story now. It was even funny after that 12 hours! He said he didn't want me to be miserable, etc. He was being humane?
4. How old is your man? 33
5. Who eats more? We both like to eat. Depending on what it is I can hold my own.
6. Who said "I love you" first? This is really bad, but neither of us know for sure! We are quite certain it happened on the phone. Basically our relationship consisted of LONG phone calls and visits on the weekends!
7. Who is taller? Michael
8. Who sings better? I do. It makes me laugh when Michael sings. However, the man has rhthym he plays the drums and the guitar - I am retarded at both.
9. Who is smarter? Oh Michael by a long shot. I have to give myself some credit - there are things I know more about. :)
10. Whose temper is worse? Michael. I shut down, silent treatment, etc. mature I know. I am not confrontational at all.
11. Who does the laundry? I do.
12. Who takes out the trash? Michael. I think it's a man's job.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I used to sleep on the right, but we recently switched sides and I am sleeping so much better...
14. Who handles the bills? I do, but lately he has been helping!
15. Who is better on the computer? Michael, but I am learning by building my new jewelry website and I know more about blogging!
16. Who mows the lawn? Michael used to, but this year he is off the hook.
17. Who cooks dinner? I cook, Michael grills. He also cooks breakfast on the weekends. He makes the best omelets!
18. Who drives when you are together? Michael, on trips too!
19. Who pays when you go out? Whoever isn't dealing with Will!
20. Who is more stubborn? We are both pretty laid back. Neither one of us has to have our way all of the time.
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Michael
22. Whose families do you see most? We try to divide the time pretty evenly, especially holidays. I guess I have been home more lately than in Nashville.
23. Who kissed who first? Michael kissed me. We actually ended our date and he was gone for 15 minutes or so. So I was getting ready for bed, brushed my teeth, put in my retainer (yes, I still wear a retainer, you would too if you had the gap I had before braces!) and I hear a knock on my door. I have been told that I am "hard to read" so I guess he just really needed to know if I was interested - didn't have time to waste in med school. So anyway, he came back for a kiss - with my retainer on my teeth, oh yeah that's hot...
24. Who asked who out first? Michael
25. Who proposed? Michael of course. Funny story, I was on my way up to see him in Johnson City and his mom said she had a care package for him and wanted me to take it to him. So I carry this box up, etc. Anyway, my engagement ring was in that box. He was originally going to propose on the weekend of graduation, but my ring wasn't in - it came in late.
26. Who is more sensitive? Michael is a sensitive guy, but I think I am probably more sensitive. Especially after becoming a mom, I can cry for someone at the drop of a hat, especially anything involving children.
27. Who has more friends? Probably about the same.
28. Who has more siblings? Michael, brother and a sister - I have one bro.
29. Who wears the pants in the family? Michael, but he always wants my opinion on things.
30. Who is the biggest pushover with the kids? We are both pretty smitten with Will, to be continued.
I feel like most everyone has been tagged - so if you read this I tag you!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Two Lazy Weekends in a Row...WooHoo!
It wasn't supposed to be a lazy weekend. We were supposed to go to Michael's medical school reunion, but Michael came down with some kind of stomach virus or something. We still really aren't sure what it was. Anyway, he wasn't up for the drive, etc. so we stayed home. We took a few pictures at the park on Saturday - I think they turned out pretty cute. Will loves to swing!
Friday, October 19, 2007
New Stuff...
Monday, October 15, 2007
Lazy Weekend
Not much to report from the weekend. It is the first weekend we have spent at home in a while. Friday night we went out to eat mexican (Will's favorite). We layed around most of the day on Saturday watching football. I did sneak out for a while to go to the mall! Sunday we went to church and cooked brunch at home. Will is teething so he was a little cranky off and on the whole weekend. Poor thing, his gums were purple, bruised I guess. Anyone have any good teething soothing tips? I have been doing Motrin, but that's about it...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
On A Kick...
I had a request for a gold "Love My Baby" necklace, but once I priced the PMC Gold - it was outrageous. So we compromised by mixing gold and silver. I think it turned out pretty cute! I hope she is happy with it too! I liked it so much I made one similar for myself. The gold chain is a little more expensive than the silver so the price went up a tad! Hope I am not wearing this jewelry thing out on my blog...
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Lots to Post!
Here are a few new things I have made. I decided to get a little colorful! We have had a busy weekend - check out the posts below! :)
We had a fun weekend in Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge this weekend. It just kind of happened to work out. Toby and Dee Dee were going up to meet Toby's dad and sister Jody for the weekend and for the UT/Georgia game. Michael and I have been wanting to go to a game so they invited us to come along. We had a good time eating, shopping, and going to the game on Saturday. It was a blast. It was SOOOOOO hot. I really don't think I have ever been that hot in my entire life. It was fine while tailgating, but we had tickets on the sunny side of the stadium and it was unbelievable how hot it was! However, despite the heat it was a great game! I know I am a Georgia girl, but I have been converted - Go Vols! Thanks Dee, Toby, Larry, and Jody for the fun weekend!!!
Abby being sweet to Will!
Will had so much fun with his cousins this weekend. He followed Beau around and always wanted what Beau was eating. They were all so cute together. I remember growing up playing with my cousins and how much fun we had! So it was great to let them spend some time together, especially before they move! Abby is SO sweet to Will. She already has that nurturing, motherly side (much to Beau's chagrin) it is so funny. She is such a sweet little girl.
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