My mom came to visit this week and of course I didn't take near enough pictures! That always seems to happen!!! Oh well we did get some cute ones in the snow. Yes more snow...pretty, but overrated. I have officially decided I am a warm weather girl (only a few more months before we move! Yea!). I guess the cold isn't that bad, but the snow, the dampness, the gray sky (except for these pics), the slush, the ice to slip on and bust your booty...shall I go on? I won't because I think you get the picture I am painting here!
We had fun with my mom. The weather was really bad so we didn't get out as much as we would have liked, but we still had a good time. Will was spoiled rotten and so were Michael and I! I didn't have to give one bath, read one bedtime story, sing one song, fix one meal - not that I don't enjoy these things, I love being a mom - but it sure was nice to have a little break! Of course Will loved the extra person paying him SOOOOOOO much attention! He sure loves his Grandi, he will miss her this week. Thanks for coming to see us Grandi! We missed you Grandad, but will see you soon!!!!
These pics aren't in order. I am too lazy to organize them tonight and there are a bunch of them....

Will loves riding in his car...even in the snow. We take it to the mall now for short shopping trips instead of a stroller :) It is kind of loud and obnoxious, but whatever works right???

Will in his snow suit! He LOVED playing in the snow!

Will and Grandi. Shortly after this shot Will managed to knock Grandi down in the snow!

Will and daddy walking in the snow (which had a layer of ice on top of the snow so it sounded like glass breaking with every step).

Will REALLY wanted to check out the frozen pond! Yes I am in pajama pants...I really need some cold weather gear!

Family photo in the snow!

Grandi reading to Will. I bet she read him a 100 stories while she was here - Will loved it! He brings us books to read, it's so cute.

Will in his new snow bibs!

so overrated...but very pretty, I know.

Oh no more snow!

I just think he looks SO cute in these snow bibs. I don't think he knows what to think about them!

Checkin' out my ride...

Snow is yummy...
So glad you had a good week with your mom. I know Will enjoyed it, and I totally understand what you're saying about a "mom visit". It's nice to take a breather. I LOVE the picture of Will looking at his car. Don't you wonder what he's thinking?
About your comment...YES, that's your old dress on Sophie. Can you believe it? Reagan wore it, and now Sophie. And let me tell you, she tells everyone who it belonged to and who made it. We're taking very good care of it for when there's a little Courtney.
I like snow too, but I am with you on the warm weather! I love the beach! I'm trying to talk Christopher into moving closer to a beach..haha. Looks like you had fun. Got my necklace in the mail. Thanks so much!
Awwww! Those pictures are so sweet - makes me miss ya'll so much, especially Will (no offense)!! He is SO CUTE. I am lovin' his bibs, which look very necessary up there! Isn't it wierd to think you'll be settling in somewhere (at least semi-permanently, if not permanently) soon? It's been a long time coming, hasn't it? I am beginning to understand your road and how you have felt more and more these days! Love ya'll!! Oh, and I have to say your mom is so pretty and looks so young. I love her hair - did she get it cut? New bangs??
I totally understand you being sick of the snow. I couldn't handle it for long either! Looks like a wonderful visit form Grandi!!!
The snow is very pretty and fun the first couple of times, but I'm like you-I'm a warm weather girl!
Looks like you had so much fun!!! Nothing like a visit from your mom.
I'm glad you had a great visit with your mom! I love Will's snow bib - too cute! Ethan has that car too....we packed that thing up and took it everywhere with us for awhile too - mall, Target, Home Depot, etc...yes, a little loud and obnoxious, but a wonderful distraction! Now, Mark has tied this really long rope to the steering wheel and takes Ethan out in the cul de sac and stands in the middle and pulls Ethan FAST in circles. Sometimes I remember to put his bike helmet on....sometimes I don't. Anyways - there are multiple uses for the car! Glad Will has one! Let me know when you're planning a trip to GA so maybe I can head that way too - and we can shop and go to the mart! I hope Will's first week without Grandi isn't too bad - and Grandi's without Will!
Where do you live, again? I've been dying for a snow day!
Will does look cute in his snow bibs, and I like the idea of the car out and about. I didn't realize y'all were moving! Hope you get lots of that warm weather you're wishing for!
It is so nice to be spoiled, isn't it! Great pictures of the snow! I'm still hopeful that nashville will get one good one this year.
Great pictures. The snow is pretty, but I bet it does get old. I am so glad your mom got to come visit. She said she had a great time. I am sure she will miss Will (You and Michael too!) this week. Hope to see you soon.
Mom visits are great!! I love the picture of him looking at his "ride"!! Glad you guys had fun!
Sweet pictures! Will is so adorable!
The snow is pretty, but I don't balme you for being tired of it!!! Will is darling! He is growing up so fast! Glad you had fun with your mom!
Mom visits are the Best!!! Nice to have a break from the stuff we do 24/7 even if we do love doing it. Will is so cute. We would like to have one snow in nashville but it looks like y'all get a lot more than one. Where are y'all moving next?
Too cute, wish we could have a little of that snow our direction.
will is so cute in the snow bib! and so much snow!! i am getting cold just looking at the pics!! i know it is an adjustment for you!!
I can't believe you weren't homecoming queen at always have the most comments on your posts. All of the necklaces are pretty & Will looks too cute in his snow suit.
The snow is pretty but I agree, so overrated. I would HATE being stuck inside for very long. Isn't it great having your mom visit? She said she really enjoyed her time with all of you. I'm thinking being a "cat mama" isn't all that bad. :-)
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